Come & Sing Messiah (Part II)

1:00pm, Sat, 29 Mar 2025

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Workshop
    Start time: 1:00pm
    Duration: 6 hrs
    Venue: St Mary's Church
    Castle Street
    Reading RG1 7RD
      See map below
    Ticket pricing/options: £30 on the door
    £22.50 Adults, £12:50 Under 16 without score
    £2.50 for score hire
    Tickets: Book now
    Tickets can also be ordered in advance by post or email using the Booking Form which can be downloaded below.
    Description: Come & Sing Messiah (Part II)
    Reading Phoenix Choir will again be holding one of its popular Come and Sing Workshops run by the Choir's Musical Director, Christopher Hann.

    This March we will be looking at one of the most well-liked works for many singers, Handel's Messiah. So come prepared for a good afternoon's singing, which we will end by putting on a concert performance of the Messiah at 6pm.

    This year we are holding the event in St Mary's Church in Castle St, Reading and we will be looking at Part 2 of the Messiah, which contains a lot of choruses to sing, including the Halleluiah Chorus!

    Come along to the Workshop and join in a fun afternoon's singing as we learn to music and then give a concert performance at 6pm

    Whilst Workshop tickets will be available on the day at £30 each, we would encourage you to obtain your tickets beforehand at the advance price of £25, including score hire for the day (£15 for under 18s). If you have your own copy of the Watkins-Shaw edition of score then you can save £2.50 by using your own score.

    You can order your place either online, using the ticket link above, or by completeing and submitting the Booking Form attached below. Details of how to submit the Booking Form and your payment are set out on the form itself.

    Arrival for the Workshop will be from 1pm and we will start the Workshop no later than 1:30pm.

    The Concert Performance will be at 6pm and tickets can be bought for that at £5 online, or you can purchase concert tickets, using the Booking Form, when you book your Workshop place. We hope that you will invite your friends and family to join other members of the public for this performance.

    If you want Concert Tickets then click on this link: Messiah Concert Tickets
  • Map
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