Being a member of Reading Phoenix Choir

Reading Phoenix Choir is an amateur choir which prides itself on the high singing standards it achieves and memorable concerts it delivers to its audiences. This page provides a brief overview of the commitment expected from members, in order to ensure the choir can continue to meet these standards.

Musical Ability:

All members joining the choir must pass a short audition with the Musical Director. These are designed to be informal and unintimidating, with no need to prepare a piece to perform. Members are not expected to be able to sight read music or have perfect pitch, but the basics of reading music (e.g. understanding the key, tempo, intervals, duration, etc.) should be understood. In concerts we sing in a mixed or scrambled arrangement so you may not be next to a fellow voice part.

  • Rehearsals are held weekly on Mondays in term time at South Lake Primary School from 7:45 to 9:55pm.
  • Members are expected to attend as many rehearsals as possible and to be on time. If a member has other commitments that mean they may not be able to make the start of rehearsal, this should be discussed with the Musical Director.
  • We understand that life is busy, and it is not always possible to attend every rehearsal. There is an attendance/availability system on the members’ section of the choir website, and members are expected to keep their planned attendance up to date.
  • Our concert season runs from September to July. We sing twelve concerts per season. Dates are arranged ahead of time, and members are expected to prioritise being at concerts.
  • As with rehearsals, members are expected to update their planned attendance as far in advance as possible.
  • Performing the majority of our music ‘off-copy’ is a core part of Reading Phoenix Choir’s identity, and it is therefore expected that members will learn music by heart.
  • New members can begin singing in concerts using music, and add pieces from memory as they learn them. Although the speed at which new members learn their music and perform in concerts will vary, it is expected that they will be able to sing at least half a concert from memory within six months of joining the choir. This will be monitored and supported by the Musical Director.
  • Every new member will have a buddy to support them in prioritising which pieces to learn.
Subscription Fees:
  • Yearly subscription fees (subs) are set annually in July and become due in September.
  • Members may pay annually or termly. If paying termly, subs will be split into three payments due in September, January, and May. Members joining part way through the year will pay pro-rated subs.
  • Should members have difficulty meeting the cost of subs, this can be discussed in confidence with the Treasurer/Chair, and financial support may be offered at the discretion of the committee.

Should you have any further queries about these expectations, or are interested in joining the choir, please contact us using the enquiry form.